Celebrating the retirement of a colleague or putting it together for a nice Christmas party? With one link you can quickly collect the required amount from different employees. With Payit you can easily keep an overview of who already paid without having to check the bill frequently. This way, organizing events remains fun and simple!
Start to Payit“Our party committee will ensure the barbecue runs smoothly. Not easy, because we welcome around 150 to 200 employees and their family members. This time the registrations went through Payit and it went super smoothly. Biggest advantage to Payit? You can immediately see who has paid and is therefore registered and who is not. This means less audit work… and therefore a lot of time savings.”
S.K., project manager
“Some colleagues used to pay the wrong amount or put the wrong message with their transfer. Some even paid in cash. That meant extra workload for the organization. Thanks to Payit, the amount is always correct and we easily know who has already paid: super handy! Because payment is so quick, colleagues no longer lose sight of it. Twice as much fun!”
C.H., Finance Manager
“The event in our business center not only brought companies and employees closer together, the supported charity was also extremely grateful to us. During the last edition, collection took place via the Payit dashboard. Anyone with the payment link could easily order the desired quantity and pay immediately via smartphone or PC.”
V. V. – business center receptionist
Safety first
Direct payments
No administration
Set up in one click